
Eco-agro-tourism … in few words

A place of good-living

Overlooking the Mirabello bay, with its horizon solely made of the Mediterranean Sea, the surrounding mountains and the rising sun.

LIMNI, or λιμνί, which means lake in Greek, is an old hamlet forgotten in the past, but above all it’s a beautiful human adventure, a love story between people, a place and a concept, of living harmoniously with oneself, others, our environment, our ancestors and future generations.

It’s about what ?

  • an accomodation of quality, combining ecology, comfort and tradition

Two eco-houses made of earth and straw, Marguerite and Mimosa, which can lodge up to 6 people, all year around. ne, hiver comme été.

  • various activities for new experiences to enjoy each season

For the pleasure to discover Crete through hiking, culture, history, archeology, ceramics, agriculture, nature, folklore … plenty of ideas and all suggestions are welcome.

  • un range of homemade natural products

The essentials of the famous Cretan diet featuring olive oil, seasonal products, to be tasted fresh, cooked, dried or processed. Step by step the place is regaining strength and vigour, the terraces are being restored, left wild in some places, sown and cultivated in others. The products diversify and the potential of the place rates.

Where is it ?

In the eastern part of Crete, a mythical island, at the crossroads of three continents Europe, Asia and Africa, a historical junction, famous for its beaches, its mountains, for its welcoming spirit and its ancient diet.

At 7km from Agios Nikolaos, Limni overlooks Ammoudara beach and extends over  1.5 hectares of mountainous land, occupied by olive trees, carob trees and wild aromatic plants, joined by fruit trees, vegetable plantations and herb gardens.

And even more …

Limni is a blooming project which has just taken off with the opening of the eco-houses for rent. Stay connected to find out more and don’t hesitate  to send us your suggestions, comments, collaboration … the place isn’t only open to holidays but also to seminars, retreats, internships, etc.

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